WELCOME TO MAY!!! Hey everyone. How's it going?
I can't believe that...next month is June....and then August...and then, well you know what comes next hehe! Time is flyin folks!! This is my last month as a teenager...and don't get me started on just how depressed that makes me. But wow! Dad was right, the only certainties in life are death, taxes, and time stopping for no one.
Well, this week....WE HAD A WEDDING!
and you know what I found hilarious...they don't throw rice in the air here hahahaha, I mean c'mon. You'd think out of all places that it would happen here, hahaha no!
I have to tell you that this week the focus was the wedding! We were talking with people on the phone 24/7 to make sure everything went well. Wednesday, we spent 8 hours making decorations! Just me and my companion and Hermana Xynia and Jennifer with a whole ton of crepe paper and glue, for 8 hours! It was really fun. It brought me back to all of the Student Government projects that I have done in the past. I was in my natural environment! Thursday we got to the church really early to start setting up. The decorations all turned out really pretty. We are also blessed with great members here that really made this wedding happen. When Maria and Andres got there, their faces said it all! They were so happy and Andres said "You 2 did all of this?!" They both looked so nice!!! A lot of their family came and many members came too, to support them. For the first time in my life, I spoke at a wedding. It was quite the experience and really hard not to just start testifying of the church haha. I was really glad that I had that opportunity though. At the end of the ceremony, which is really quick here because they just sign a piece of paper, Maria got up to speak. I was so pleasantly surprised! She is always so nervous to speak in front of people. She shared how happy she was and she thanked everyone from the ward, her new brothers and sister in Christ, and the Relief Society for their help. She was in tears! The rest of the night went so well. The food and cake were delicious! When it came time to leave Maria and Andres were incredibly happy and content with how everything went. Us too! I really can't wrap my head around the fact that I had the opportunity to help 2 people get married! What's incredible is that obviously they love each other but they also both have so much faith. Now they can be baptized, and they will be! This Thursday is their baptism! I really love these people!!
Working on the decorations!

And yes, my hair is growing crazy. Its huge and sooooo hot. I need it to be longer but it is up all of the time. I tried having it down for the wedding but i started to sweat and it turned to curls from my cowlicks...the sun here is death! I sweat SOOOOOO MUCH! To cool down...look for people to teach. But no one has air conditioner here! Only the cars and the church:)
Okay, and Stevens family...they are doing amazing!! This past week we went by to check in on them and to keep teaching. We got on the topic of missionaries because Steven started talking about his mission in 4 years. "Elder Monge" he said haha. I asked where hes going to serve and he said California near my house haha! Okay that works! Pamela, the mom, mentioned how we need to take a lot of pictures so that when people ask them how they were introduced to the church, they can show them the pictures. AW! Can I just mention the amazing changes I have seen in this family? The second week that they came to church, Pamela came in a new skirt that she had bought because she didn't have one and yesterday, Alan, the boyfriend, came to church in a white shirt and tie!! They talk about how much they love church all the time and this week was evidence. Alan brought all of the kids to the wedding by himself because Pamela had to work, they both took the kids to the primary activity Saturday that was 2 hours away in a museum in San Jose and then got home just in time to go with us to a baptism of the other ward!! Then of course they came to church yesterday! They are reading The Book of Mormon as a family, and Alan and Pamela read the lessons each week for the classes. I am amazed!! In February, I never would have thought that this would happen. Alexandra, the 8 year old sister, is going to be baptized this Sunday! She is adorable and absolutely loves the church. I gave her a CTR ring and she always shows me that she's wearing it. I am incredibly grateful for tender mercies of the Lord and all of the miracles. God is so loving!!
For the random fun things this week...well we forgot to pay the electricity! Yeah, I know. How irresponsible! Well, it was dark and EXTREMELY hot for 2 nights but we laughed a whole lot. I got to use my REI head light and all of those flashlights that mom has sent me. Also, bugs in the dark are not so fun!! haha
when we didn't have electricity, the freezer part of our fridge melted
Also, everyone in Relief Society wants to add mom on facebook. I absolutely love knowing that the sisters in the ward are in contact with my family in some way. They all get so excited and are like "lets take a picture and send it to your mom!" haha
We had a special Relief Society activity...It was night of pajama hahaha! And they rented a place and put blankets on the floor.
Someone gave us sopa de mariscos the other day....
the best thing that i have eaten here!
This next week is Stake Conference. Elder Alonso of the Seventy is going to come to set apart President Chaverri as an Area 70, and to call a new Stake President. Im so excited! How cool is it that all of this is happening in my area? #blessed haha! okay! Hahaha what's funny is next week we will eat with the Chaverri's again I guess, since we are going to their house...so maybeeee if we end up eating with President Chaverri and everyone, we will eat with Elder Alonsi from the 70 because next week is the big Stake Conference, fingers crossed!
Also, tomorrow is a Zone Conference with President Hayes. I'm looking forward to hearing some good counsel. (photo sent after Taylor's email)
I hope you all know that I have really applied the Yoda method in making commitments with the investigators here. Read The Book of Mormon or don't...there is no try hahahaha!
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