Hey everyone!
Another week has past by!! I don't have much to say this week but that's OK. Last week was insanely crazy, we needed a little break.
Unfortunately, that little break came with some illness. Last P-day while we were writing our emails, my companion got really sick! We ended up heading back to our apartment and she got worse. She had about a million symptoms from fever to stomach pain, and just overall weakness. Luckily, at about 6, Alejandro and Teresa came and took us to the clinic. My companion and I were there for about 4 hours as she had about 6 different IVs. The next day, Tuesday, she felt bad again. We had to head to the clinic and take exams to find out what was wrong. She rested a whole lot and took the medicine that they had given us the day before. It turns out that nothing was seriously wrong (thank goodness). She just had an awful bug. Unfortunately, Wednesday it hit me! I felt sick to my stomach and I didn't want to eat anything. I just felt really dizzy. We worked though because I had a little bit of anxiety about how we didn't work at all Tuesday! That's never happened in my entire mission. I think we both felt a little weak all week long. We fought with our inner desire to just go home and sleep. We knew that if we left the house and went to work, the Lord would bless us. This is the Lord's time, not ours.
This week was actually The Week of The Family here! Every single day, the Stake had activities for the family. Monday, each family was supposed to have a family home evening and invite someone. We had planned a family home evening with members and Steven's family but we were in the clinic, haha. They still went though!!
Tuesday was movie night! Our ward watched "The Other Side of Heaven". It was a little funny watching it in the chapel but I love that movie!! Its so interesting how my perspective has changed watching the movie from the mission.
Wednesday was "Night of Desserts", There was a competition between our ward, Pococi, and Guapiles to see who made the best dessert. There were so many and our cook was one of the judges. Guess what won...BROWNIES! hahahaha No one makes brownies here and one of my favorite Hermanas from the ward made them and won! She told me "Hermana these aren't from a box ok? These are homeade!" haha. I was so happy! I miss brownies and chocolate chip cookies! Things that are so common back home.
Our judges of the dessert contest
Thursday was "Adventure night". It was really cool. The adventure was that everyone who went entered the Cultural Hall and sat down facing the stage. It was a simulation of an airplane with a pilot in front and flight attendants. What happened was that eventually, the plane crashed. There were lights and fog and the sounds and everything. Then entered angels. One of the angels announced that everyone had died and gone to the spirit world. Luckily they all had the opportunity to keep living but that they were to have the opportunity to learn about the life after. Then a few angels were assigned groups to lead to specific rooms in the church that were the Celestial, Terrestrial and Telestial Kingdom. In each room, the groups sat down and listened to an explanation of what each kingdom is- At the end, everyone was reunited again and sang Families are Forever. The activity was so great! All of us missionaries got to be angels along with some members. They asked us to use temple clothing. Haha...well, we didn't bring our temple clothing so our only option was the baptism dresses! I enjoyed helping with the activity a lot.
Friday, there was "Couples Night". Obviously we didn't go but President and Sister Hayes went and spoke!
Finally, Saturday was a day full of activities. In the morning there were games. Then for lunch, each ward was assigned a country to make food. IT WAS SO GOOD!! I ate about everything haha! Panama was probably my favorite though. United States....brownies and caramel corn, hahaha It basically was the dessert table. After the lunch, there was a show. It ended up being a clown! It was really funny and something different!!
Yesterday, at church, during the 3rd hour, we watched the final video to end it all. The Presidency of Central America; President Duncan, Elder Alonso, and Elder Ochoa, spoke with their families about the importance of the family. There were also members of the government here that spoke about it too. In the end, I was really pleased with all of the effort that the Stake and Wards put into making The Week of The Family such a big success! I think we should do this back home! My testimony was strengthened so much. The family is so important! This week made me a little more trunky haha, but I know why I want to find and teach families.
I love you all so so so much. I miss you more than you know! I hope you all are healthy and happy. I pray for you everyday! Have a great week! 😘
♥Hermana Zerilli
These are pictures that Pablo/Pedro sent me haha! Everyone calls him Pedro now because my Mom accidentally called him Pedro...hahahah! He's so great!! Him and Milenna help us out a lot and wanted pics with President Hayes because apparently president is good friends with Pablos future Mission President
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