Friday, April 1, 2016

A Letter Home...

To the Zerilli 5,                                                           3/11/2016

Hi! How are you all doing? Right now I'm sitting in our apartment after a long but great day. We had a ward mission activity and it was a success! It is really hot here. Everywhere is Costa Rica, there are signs for summer sales and advertisements for swim suits and beach towels. Apparently it's summer! However, Guapiles is different. They say that the normal summer and winter don't exist here. It's the same crazy weather all year long. One day I use my umbrella for the blazing hot sun and the next day (or hour) I use the same umbrella for the pouring rain. No matter the temperature, I feel wet all of the time! Today the sun had no mercy and it is one of the days where I return home sweating and with heat rash. However, no need to worry! The sun here is nothing like it was in the Caribbean when it turned us all to lobsters. I Haven't experienced any major burning! 

With Anthony and Parker's birthdays coming up I decided that I wanted to send something. I think that it's about time that I show just a little bit of the huge gratitude that I have for the countless packages that I have received in my time here. I think the other missionaries secretly wish that they were a part of the Zerilli Family when they see me rolling out of the office with 2 giant packages every other month. Haha! No really, the packages are not expected because, wow, they are expensive to send, but I really feel loved and not forgotten, so thank you! Just tonight I received a surprise package from the Horsley's and I can't explain how happy and thankful I felt! Please hug them and tell them thank you for me in person when you get the chance. 

In this package I've sent you are just a few things that you might enjoy...and if not it's okay. This place/culture isn't the most drastically different but it definitely isn't home, haha! Too bad I can't send you mangos or papaya, I think that's the best this ng to eat here! I'm almost at the halfway mark in the mission and I really can't believe it. When I first got here to Costa Rica time was awfully slow. I lived for Pday (Mondays) because that was the only day that I really felt relieved from the stress of trying to understand/talk with people in another language. I counted the days for everything because I needed to have something to keep me trucking along. I was happy but I was sad because of the challenges that I was facing. I mean, who likes challenges? However, I felt an immense amount of support from home, the Hermanas here with me, President Hayes, The Lord, and my Heavenly Father. Now I'm here with almost 9 months under my belt and I have no idea where time has gone! I think that time is definitely something that my Heavenly Father has taught me in the mission...and that Mom and Dad have taught me all of my life! Too bad it took me this long to learn. TIME IS PRECIOUS! It's amazing what you can do in an hour. Now, how many hours did I spend before my mission staring at my phone? That makes me so mad at myself!! This life is short, we really need to make the best of it. I am determined to change the way I use my time after the mission. I don't want to waste away days doing nothing. Each day is a gift and each of us have a divine purpose to be living. 

Today, President and Hermana Hayes stopped by to check in and answer questions about doctrine. They mentioned that we will be going to the Temple at the end of the month. I'm ecstatic!! I need a Temple trip! President turned and asked me, "neither one of you were here when we went last October right?" I said, "No, I was here!" He then replied in the funniest way, "Hermana how many months do you have? You're old!" haha, I laughed. Apparently I am "old" for an Hermana. Hermana Perez leaves this month and Hermana Munguia the change (transfer) after in May. After them, the next Hermanas (2) leave in November. There aren't very many of us here in this tiny country but I'm so happy to be a part of this group. My time in the mission so far has been that of adventure, sacrifice, change, learning and a whole lot of trial and error. I can't deny that as a person, I'm different than when I started, but I'm nowhere close to who I want to be. The mission, or the process of coming to Christ in general, has a way of pointing out ever single one of your weaknesses, flaws, and imperfections. It is only though mercy and the atoning sacrifice of our Savior that we can change and become better. I am beyond grateful for that! This life is a refining experience and the Lord promises that if we are truly humble, He will make weak things strong. I have learned that humility and patience are the keys to many things, and oh how difficult it is to have them! I feel a great urgency to learn as much as I can and absorb every little thing in these next 9 months because I know that I will only have this opportunity once. I have to say that the mission has probably been the hardest thing that I've ever done in my entire life. 

I miss music, food from home, my own schedule, the gym, school, work, sleep, air conditioning, carpet, friends and most of all YOU GUYS!  It's tough! The wall in front of me is filled with pictures of all of you and often my thoughts during the day turn to home. "I wonder if Dad took the boys to Philly Cheese Steak today..." "Does Mom still say holy heck? (because I tend to say it)" "Is Anthony taller than Parker yet and does Trev have things hiding in his hair?" Thanks to your emails, I feel close to home every Monday. I remember all of the times before I left that Dad reminded  me to enjoy my time with the family because it's going to be hard in the mission. Well as always Dad, YOU WIN! Although it's difficult, and at times I just want to pack up and head home, there are a million things keeping me here. Well First, I made a covenant with the Lord, haha. But also, one of the biggest things is my testimony of eternal families. 

The other day I had a really amazing spiritual experience. We were in a FHE (family home evening) with a member couple and our investigators who are going to be married, to be baptized in April. we were teaching about eternal families and Temple. At one point, I felt prompted to share my testimony. I reached into my backpack and pulled out the photo album that Mom sent me. I showed them the picture of us in front of the Temple, the day we were sealed together. I testified to this couple of the power of the Priesthood to seal families and of a loving Heavenly Father who allows us to have happiness with our families for eternity if we live righteously. I couldn't fight the tears. You know I'm a big baby anyways, haha. The Spirit testified to our investigators and everyone in the room, including myself, that my words were true! Immediately after, our investigator, Maria, said, "I want to be sealed in the Temple! When can we do it?" I was so happy to hear that. I know that one day this couple will be. 

So yeah, 548 days is a whole lot but that's nothing compared to eternity. We will be the ZERILLI 6 FOREVER! You have no clue how grateful I am for every single one of you. I know I'm not the easiest to deal with but you love me anyhow. Enrique R. Farabella of the 70 taught in our Stake Conference transmission the other day that the real MTC is in the home. He couldn't have been more correct! Experiences from hone have guided my way in the mission and lessons that I have learned have helped me to teach and testify. This letter is just a little trunky, but I want each and every one of you to know just how much you mean to me! You have shaped my life for the better! Please continue  to stay strong in love, faith, and in testimony. Share your testimony, be those great examples I know that you are and help those that have fallen. Outside of our little family, other family members are struggling and that breaks my heart. I teach less active/inactive members all the time and it kills me to think that those people are within our family. Do all that you can and help the missionaries. Don't be afraid to give references, you are only blessing lives. Mom, you have my friends' addresses, send the missionaries there during college breaks! You will be blessed even more than I know you already are because you all do so much. I want you 5 to know that this Gospel Is True, all of it! I know it with all of my heart! God lives. Our Savior Jesus Christ lives and He will come again. We were chosen to live in this day to prepare the world for His coming. What a great responsibility and blessing! 

Thank you for raising my in the true church and for being incredible examples for me and for everyone else that we know. 

Adios y vayan con dios:)
Les Amo y Pura Vida 
♥Hermana Zerilli

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet, open hearted, giving young lady you have raised. She is absolutely a treasure and I can just picture the love everyone who meets her has for her. She's beautiful from the inside out!
