Monday, March 28, 2016


We found out about changes (transfers) Friday and it turns out, Hermana Tejeda is leaving for Zone Sur to replace Hermana Perez, and I will be training one of the 4 new missionaries. Hermana Moon has the exact same thing so I'm happy that we get to train together...again! I'm excited for Hermana Tejeda. Zone Sur is the farthest in the mission and it's at the beach! I want to go there haha! Hermana Perez went there after my training to open the area. Now shes headed home to Mexcio. I don't want her to leave!! I can't imagine not being able to see her at mission conferences or meetings. However, I'm excited for her to see her family. It's so amazing the lasting friendships that we can make in the mission. So, right now I'm writing from San Jose. We have the training to be trainers, and will work with another Hermana here close by at night. We will sleep here and head back to our area tomorrow with our new companions. I'm excited!
    Well this week was Semana Santa and it's all true! EVERYONE leaves for the beach! This week was like Christmas, but 7 days long. It was tough but I really enjoyed knocking on doors, showing the people the 2 minute video from the church and testifying of Christ. Maybe now isn't the time for a lot of people but we are definitely planting seeds:) I studied this week, the atonement of Christ and what happened each day before He died. I really felt the Spirit everyday as I focused on His life and what happened. Friday was really quiet. NOTHING in the entire town was open and there were no buses or cars in the street. Friday was when Christ suffered for us on the cross. It was really reverent here and I actually appreciated it. What I didn't appreciate was the whole no buses runing thing!! We walked soooo far and at the end of the day I felt like my feet were bleeding. However, when I really focused on the day and the significance, the pain wasn't important. I know that Christ took upon himself every single pain and sickness of humankind.  So, Walking isn't hard when I'm doing it in His honor. 

Random news, WE ARE GOING TO THE TEMPLE THURSDAY!! I am so excited!! I really need the temple!! And also CONFERENCE IS THIS WEEKEND!! I AM STOKED!! I am going to be thinking of my family who will be in Utah attending conference, as I watch the transmission here! I encourage everyone to go into conference with a question in your heart, ready to let the spirit teach you.

Not much happened this week but it was really great because I got the chance to see more of the culture and come closer to my Savior. I love you all! Thank you for your prayers and support!! Thanks for all of the emails! You are the best!
Hermana Zerilli

 Thanks family for our treats!! 
This is Claudio and Milagro! We love them! He is a member and she is our investigator. They always drive us home.
 We had to take a selfie:)
So I have been 4 months without piano in my ward. No one can play. I found this book in the house of one of my favorite members and she said that I could have it. 
It's time to teach myself piano!
I think that I can do it!! 
There is no fear like walking up to 
your door to see this. 
Proof that we are close to the beach?
12 semanas of training done!
After Womens' Conference with Hermana Castillo and Hermana Acosta. Hermana Acosta is Hermana Perez's best friend from Mexico and has helped me soooo much in my time in Pococi. She leaves with Hermana Perez this week. Its so hard to see them go!
Soooo I don't know if this is bad but EVERYONE during Semana Santa puts crosses with a purple cloth and flowers 
outside of their houses. 
We had to capture a memory.

It's a tradition to buy your trainee "trits" (Treats) haha! 

Since EVERYTHING was closed this week including the Little Soda (restaurant) that we eat at everyday, we ate lunch at the hotel resort down the street. 
My lunch of choice obviously!
I miss Mom/Taylor Boudin salad lunch dates!

The river in our area near one of our investigators! Costa Rica is beautiful!
Andddd when tthe mosquitos come hahaha

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