I feel like I just "talked" to you all...which I did, so if this letter is boring I'm sorry!! Not much has happened!!
After P-day (Wednesday) Hermana Martinez and I had some really great lessons. We went knocking doors and even though it was tough because we were in an area in which no one wanted to open their doors to us (they just wanted to stare from inside), the Lord put many great people in the street! We talked to people at bus stops and helped people carry groceries. We took every opportunity to find people to teach. We are excited to return to this area this week to recontact.
We also taught a recent convert's Mom. Well, "taught" maybe not, talked with is a little bit better haha. We were able to teach her a little bit about what a testimony is. She is strongly Catholic but she told us that she is for tradition. I was happy to tell her how her son had obtained a testimony about the truth from scripture study, church attendance and sincere prayer. We assured her that she could know the truth too! I love lessons like that. Sometimes I feel like people think that you just choose a church and then stay there until you die because that's the way it is. The truth exists. God has a church and we need to find it!
Okay so we all know the big event of this past
weekend. Conference was the best!! I loved the heck out of it, hahaha every minute! What did you all think of conference? What theme caught your attention...
Saturday at Brenda's house |
Personally, I felt that they talked a whole lot about repentance and missionary work (whoot whoot!) Some of my favorite talks were: Elder Anderson with the puzzle, Elder Cook with the stumbling blocks, Elder Tamashita "Boys be ambitious", Elder Ballard "To whom shall you go?", Elder Rasband about our spiritual heritage, and Sister Reeves about repentance and the missionaries. So I pretty much liked them all!!! We were able to watch Saturday in English with Brenda!! It was way fun. She was able to enjoy it with us. Then Sunday we watched in the chapel, and before falling asleep (4 hours of spanish translations is tough) I ran to watch 1 hour in English outside of the room with the elders...Akward mission rules haha:) I loved the conference so much. I especially loved what President Monson said to all of us about the Plan of salvation. It's a gift, the knowledge that we have of the plan. It gives everything reason and hope. I hope that we can all reflect on conference and APPLY...That's most important part!!
I love you all so much! I'm thankful for your prayers that work wonders. Lets have a good week!
Love you all♥
Hermana Zerilli
Extra note from Tay...LOL:)
"I can't believe it's October mom time is flying what do I do I'm so not ready to return to the real world! my Spanglish is hard core real...like the people are gonna make fun of me.
Our Conference Invitations♥ |
Saturday Conference at Brenda's house |
Saturday Conference at Brenda's house
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