Helloooooo everyone!
Before I say anything more I want to thank you for your support. I have felt the prayers of many as I have faced the HARDEST week of my entire mission. I am grateful and my heart is truly full of love for the people here, at home, and maybe even those who don't even know me directly whom have been worried and prayed for me. THANK YOU♥
Want a run down of what happened this week...here we go!
Monday: Go-kart riding (woot! woot!) I talked about that last week!
Tuesday: At 2 pm we headed to the hospital. As many of you know, I have not been feeling well and I have had a large ball in my neck that was growing and turning hard. I was attended to by a doctor who speaks English, which was a blessing. He told me that the ball that I had under my jaw was possibly a tumor. He sent me down to have blood tests and an ultra sound done. We sat around for 6 additional hours waiting for the insurance to approve the coverage of the tests. I sat shaking, worrying about what could be wrong with me. I was thankful that the Olympics were playing on every TV screen to give me something to distract myself. I took the tests. We were all exhausted, worried, and uncomfortable. The assistants and secretaries called saying that they were going to come and be with us. It was determined that I didn't need to stay, rather come back the next day. So, they drove us home. We left the hospital at 9:40 and slept in our house in Paraiso.
Wednesday: We woke up early and headed back to the hospital to meet with the doctor again. He informed me that I am no longer anemic (yay!) and that what I have are swollen lymph nodes...3 of them in a cluster! The largest is 17mms! I also have a lot of bacteria on the left side of my throat. 
Got a call from Elder Hansen (MP Assistant) saying that we needed to pack up our stuff because we need to change houses. As you know, our house has a lot of mold in it and isn't healthy for us to live in. They said that while looking for a new house, we were going to be living in San Francisco...near the office about 1.5 hours away. Hermana Martinez and I were waiting for the prescription and in walked Elder Hansen (PM Assistant) and Elder Winders (MP Secretary). They said that they saw the hospital and felt like they needed to see if we were there. They helped me laugh. I know that it wasn't just a coincidence that they were close by and decided to stop. We met a funny guy on the street that came up to us selling pens that he had taken from the trash cans. He spoke English and told us that he was "hagrid like the wolf". LOL Elder Vazquez (MP Assistant) and Elder Jones (other secretary) showed up in the car to take us to our home to pack. We walked into our house, packed a suitcase for a weeks worth of clothes and headed out again. We got to San Francisco feeling a little whiplash. I slept like a baby but honestly, I was beyond nervous for what the next day held. It's hard not knowing what to expect.
Thursday: We woke up and had to call what felt like everyone in the mission telling them what had happened. Our Zone Leaders were beyond worried, haha oops. We walked around San Francisco waiting for the Elder Vasquez and Elder Hansen to call us when they were ready to take us to Paraiso. We met up with them at about 2. I was in a lot of pain this day but It was fine. Hermana Martinez and I found ways to laugh. In San Jose there are a lot of people who will come up to you asking for things or sometimes trying to give you speeches about random things. Each time that happened, we just played like we didn't understand. We had our language study and my companion replied to the people in English. It was awesome! She's gotten good! The Elders showed up with the secretaries. They were going to do divisions. Once again, we all laughed. I really love these guys! They really helped me to take my mind off my own pain and worry. They know how to make driving down the freeway, listening to EFY music fun, hahahaha! I can't send videos :( We got to our area, and started hunting houses. Hermana Rocio showed us one which was pretty but in a kind of sketchy area. I quickly learned that I was really sensitive that day. A part from being stressed about my sickness, finding a house, worrying about the well being of the other hermanas in my zone, and Fabian who was supposed to be baptized this week, living 4 hours away working; rude comments did not help me! One hermana told me something a little hurtful and I broke down. I felt a little wimpy Thursday. (Everybodyyy hurts sometimesss!!) At the close of the day, we ate pizza with Elder Hansgen and Elder Tibbs. It was good. Afterward, we headed back "home" to San Fran. We were all exhausted!
Friday: This day was a little crazy. We had a little bit of a hard time in the morning, with again some comments that weren't so necessary but just kept truckin'. (Why do girls have to be so mean!) Elder Hansen told us to meet them in the office at 1 pm because they could go house hunting with us that day. We got there at 11 and waited. I LOVE ELDER AND SISTER BURT IN THE OFFICE. I don't think I've ever talked about them but I love them so much. They are my replacement grandparents here in the mission and always have been a huge support for me. They heard me out as I vented about everything and told me that I should not feel bad! I mean come on I have a year in the mission. The Lord is not disappointed with me and my illness is not a punishment for my pack of obedience! I know that's true. Satan is the one who wants me to feel bad. When the Assistants got to the office, we had a little bit of a situation. They doubted that we would have enough gas to make it to Paraiso and Elder Jones was the only one who could know the code to the credit card because he is the financial secretary. They all ended up doing divisions and Elder Jones and Elder Vasquez went with us to Paraiso. It went well. Elder Vasquez bought us ice cream, so I mean it was a good day hahah. The funniest part was that every house that we saw that had the for rent sign in front, the elders called and then left us in the car to go see. They told us to stay in the car!! We were like "Its our house!!" We found awesome possibilities and then returned to San Fran listening to ancient Disney music:)
Saturday: Hermana Martinez and I woke up way early to get to Paraiso in time for our mission correlation meeting...that was cancelled!! We were a little bummed not knowing what to do. We didn't have permission to enter our home. We headed to the bus stop to go eat lunch. We ran into members on the way. One of them asked to borrow our phone just to have me realize that I LOST OUR PHONE. I REPEAT I LOST THE PHONE AT THE BUS STOP. We ran back and yeah it was a goner. All of our numbers...gone. That was the last straw for me!. Once again I lost it. :( hahahaaa. We attended a baby shower for a member and I dumped coke ALL OVER MY SKIRT. It was great! However, there's always a positive right? Hermana Martinez and I won 2 games and I won a game where you had to paint a creative picture for the baby on a piece of wood. His name is going to be Saul so I made it like Superman. Didn't let you down Dad! At the end of the day, we headed to the bus stop to head back to San Jose. We waited for 1.5 hours in the freezing cold and then figured that we needed to ask Hermana Rocio. We got to her house 8:40 and she told us that there wasn't a bus at that hour!! We freaked out. We called the assistants and they totally saved us! They drove all the way to our area to bring us to San Francisco and then return all the way to their area. I was soooo grateful. I told them what had happened. We kind of just laughed it off....again. My luck was not good this week:( Took this picture and said, "I am done with this week!"
Sunday: We woke up early to get to church in our area....and THERE WAS NO BUS. We got to church 30 minutes late and we could not take the Sacrament. I was devastated, so was my companion. Out of all weeks, I needed the sacrament this week! I know that the sacrament is the MOST important part of Sunday and the church services. Please never miss the sacrament. It was my first time out of my entire mission. I was a little down. We talked to the bishop so that he knew what had happened with our baptism and with the work this past week. He said "things happen! Just get better!" Luckily, we got back to working Sunday and we went with one of my favorite families. They treated us so well and I felt the Spirit again as we taught them the restoration. Sunday night, we felt better but boy were we ready for a new week.
Monday! P day!! I completed 13 months!!!: Wow did the Lord test me to finish up my year or what!
Yesterday, we went to the office and got a new phone!! I got to see President Hayes, Hermana Hayes and Lizzie. I talked to them and I felt happy and better. I ate a famous Hayes cinnamon roll and Elder Winders gave me a blessing. I knew that things were going to be better. Hermana Martinez and I ate in Johnny Rockets for lunch! We walked in and 2 ladies were sitting together! One of them said "Hey they are missionaries from your church!" These ladies were so fun and cute! One lives here and the friend was born here but lives in Michigan. She served a mission here a long time ago! They paid for our lunch!! We were soooo grateful. It was not cheap. We sat and listened to "Here comes the sun" and laughed about the last week that we had. Fabian is ready for his baptism this week! We are praying that it happens!
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The visitor (member) from Michigan took this photo at Johnny Rockets and texted it to my mom... I love the kindness of strangers♥ |
I want to share with you all a scripture that has really helped me this week. Alma 37:36 "Yea, and cry unto God for all they support; yea, let all they doings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let in be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever."
I want you to know that I am no worse than I was last week, I am taking two different antibiotics, and medications for my migraines. My throat is a little less painful and my headaches aren't quite as bad. If there isn't significant improvement or I am not better by next week; I will be having a biopsy. They are covering all of the bases, so I am happy:)
I had so much help this week. Elder Jones and Elder Winders. Elder Vasquez and Elder Hansen. My amazing companion. The nurse. President Hayes. the Elders in our area. I cannot thank them enough. They each helped probably in ways that they didn't even know. But ultimately, the Lord was my strength. He helped me laugh when I wanted to cry and keep going strong. He cleared my mind when I felt like it was going to explode from all of the stress that I had. The mission is not easy and wow things happen. But thats life right? I love my savior. I know that He was with me and that when maybe no one knew exactly how I felt, He did. I testify that He lives and just as He loves me He loves all of you. I''m a tough cookie. Ill be alright! I'm excited to get back into the work this week.
I love you all. Thank you for your love and prayers♥
Elder Hansen-assistant tall blonde in the back
Elder Vazquez-assistant the only Latino, hahaha
PS- I have heard from my RM friends who are home and starting BYU next week, that they are all getting together for dinner on Friday night...really! Without me, LOL:) My Mom and Parker are even going!
Elder Henry told me that he gets to take a picture with my Mom before I do!! All that I am going to say about that is...I better get to see these pictures! Miss you all♥
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