I dont have very much time to write today!! I actually just got home from the beach!! Yes, the beach!! It was my first time and honestly, I think it was the only opportunity that I will have to go to the beach. I am very very happy that we got to go. It was quite the experience. The beach is called Cahuita, and it is beautiful. Crystal blue water and soft sand! It's a beach that millionaires actually go to...and we went by bus for 12 dollars, whoot! There was a free nature walk and so we did it! Along the trail we saw all different types of spiders, sloths, birds, ants, and eventually monkeys. Yes! Monkeys! I was determined to see a monkey the entire time that we were on that trail and at the last moment, we saw one. We were all a little separated but I was with Hermana Moon. One elder was feeding the monkey tortilla, the only thing that I had was pretzels and crackers. I decided to go for the pretzels. The monkey came!! I fed the monkey!! I have a video...I wish that you could see it. It's great (credit to Elder Henry)! Well, the pretzels that I had left, I gave to Hermana Moon. We started walking away and all of a sudden, Elder Munoz yelled "HERMANAS CUIDADO!" We turned around to see the monkey running after us! It jumped on a rock and sat there looking at us and particularly Hermana Moon with the pretzels in her hand. It took off again chasing us and Hermana Moon threw the pretzels! It took the entire bag and climbed up the tree so fast. I have that video too...its really funny! I was beyond terrified. Talk about hunger games, LOL! Later, more monkeys came. It was so crazy! I offered one elder the crackers that I had in my bag and very quickly took them out. In 2 seconds the monkey had jumped from the tree, grabbed the crackers from the Elder's hands, and ran back up the tree to eat them. I laughed so hard. It definitely was an experience like no other. Hermana Moon, Elder Henry, Elder Adams and I, along with some other Elders, decided to walk back to the restaurant on the beach. It was so nice and we played Frisbee (thanks mom for the super awesome Frisbee) the whole way. I have to say, the temptation to just jump right into the beautiful water was there, but next year hahaha! I was so incredibly impressed at how the Lord really knows me, and he knows how much I loveeee the beach. Exactly a year ago, I was cruising in the Caribbean with my family, enjoying the same ocean...and look at that, today I went back and enjoyed it again, only in a different way haha!
This week was really really enjoyable. I learned so much and I have to say, I ate a lot! I think the pictures show it. I learned how to make gorditas because my lovely Mexican companion made them twice. I also learned how to my dry pancakes, and I drank coke from a bag! They do that here:) It's a real thing! Actually, we were contacting a person and they owned a little store called a "pulperia". We decided to buy something and then just bring up the gospel mid purchase. We asked the man if they had coke. He showed us that they only had 1 liter bottles. We asked for something smaller and he said that they didn't have anything smaller. Then he said "in bags?". The thing is, here...the people sell coke in bags really cheap, so we thought that that was what he meant. No....he brought us 2 bags and put half a liter in one and half in the other. WE DIED LAUGHING! We luckily contacted the man and got an appointment but it was hilarious! We walked away with a new investigator and a half a liter of coke in a bag, haha!
This week in church, Elder Chaverri was here and he and Anna Lauren (his wife) taught a special 5th Sunday class (we pushed it back one week).They taught about preparation. With the volcano, and with everything that the authorities of the church have said, preparation is NECESSARY! I'm so, so grateful for my Mom and that she has worked so hard on preparing our family with emergency supplies. She's a great example for me! However, this preparation or even a 72 hour kit is new to the people here. But hello! If we live near an exploding volcano, it's time to act right? Hermana Anna Lauren knows so many great tricks and taught about storing food and necessary items in our homes. I think the lesson was a great wake up call for the ward. I myself have bought a case of bottled water for our apartment. Okay, you can laugh but I feel good knowing that if we have filthy, ashy water, I have something to drink haha. The Lord has ALWAYS taught preparation. Food, medicine, light, communication, money, firearms...Whatever it is, we should prepare! We don't know what will happen in the future. If we heed the Lord's counsel and that of His servants, we will be okay:)
Last random thought. Last p-day we were in the super market. I was finishing up buying my things and i saw a bunch of gringos walk in. I got really excited! 4 guys our age got in my line and started talking English! I had 4 giant bags in my hands, but I told my companion that I needed to talk to them!! They were so nice! They were here for 10 days for a service project with their church. They knew exactly who I was (missionary) and spoke so nicely of their LDS missionary friends that they have from their home in Alabama. It made me so happy to see and hear that. 4 young guys, who have lives like mine back home, who love the Lord and like me, want to serve Him. They didn't mention anything negative seeing that we come from different churches but they complemented me as I did them. I think that's how it should always be. I love serving my fellow men and my Savior Jesus Christ. I am so happy when I see others doing the same. It doesn't matter what religion or church, we should build each other up and never tear each other down. That's my invitation for all of you...Lets be brothers and sisters in Christ. If we know it, our actions and words should reflect it!
💛Hermana Zerilli
An investigator painted our nails.
THANK YOU FOR THE BOX AND FOR MY SHOES!!! I know I said that I didn't need the Conference Ensign but in the end I did, and you had sent it anyway, not knowing I would need it!! Oh, and for a few of my favorite things, I'm so so grateful! Once again I'm the only one here with the English Ensign!

Can you tell which one of my Crocs is the old one and which one is the new one?
I think I'm ready to fight the mosquitoes! I've got a huge bug net bed tent and plenty of repellent!
My companion made gorditas the Friday with Xynia, Jennifer, Daniel and Steven...I ate like 20. That's why they are called gorditas! LOL!
Isn't this how normal people drink their Coke?
The family of Elder Luis Claudio and Hermana Anna Lauren Chaverri, with Milenna, her husband who is here from Mexico, and Pablo.
Elder Chaverri and his family. I love them all!
Yeah, so word got out and that my companion made gorditas again for Pamela and Alan Sunday night haha! So yummy!!
Loveeee Alexandra and Janpul
We ate lunch the other day with Andrea, David, and Thomas. We love this little family so so much! They are so fun!
One member taught me how to make harepas secas. Like dry pancakes! Sooooo good!
Hermana Velez & I at the beach!
Hermana Moon, Elder Adams, and I at the beach!


Taylor Zerilli Was here- 6/6/2016

The Zone!

Taylor Zerilli Was here- 6/6/2016
The Zone!
The nature trail
If you know me well...you know which hand in front of the monkey is mine!
I was robbed! The monkey likes pretzels!
Later he invited his friends...and they like my crackers too!
Best District ever...love these guys:)
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