Monday, February 22, 2016

"No matter what someone says to me or how loud there voice, I will never change where I stand."

Today I have officially been in the mission field for 7 months!!!

This week was the first one of most recent transfers, and Hermana Tejeda and I are going to finish out her training together! Just like every first week of transfers, this week felt really long. Not to mention we had a whole lot of rain and a whole lot of sun. Everything was just everywhere! Haha

This week we had a really awesome group night at the house of a family of members. We invited all of the investigators and members that we could in that area. Unfortunately, after going to the houses of all of the investigators to bring them, none of them could attend. We headed to the activity a little discouraged. We were really looking forward to helping our investigators get to know other members and share a gospel message with them. However, the Lords hand is in His work. While we were there, 2 less active members came. They are brothers. One of them, Isaac, is young, decided not to serve a mission and decides to sleep rather than come to church every week. The other, Claudio, he is living with his girlfriend (who we are actually teaching :) ) and hasn’t come to church in almost 12 years!! When they came I almost cried! All of the members were so excited to see them and they talked and laughed the whole time. Something funny was that Claudio’s dad told me to tell him that if he came to the activity, he needed to bring a "caja de leche" of milk. I told Claudio and he was sooo confused and then laughed! Not "caja", "Cajetta". I honestly still don’t know the difference. What he brought were white powdery squares that had the consistency of fudge. It was milk. Pure powdered milk with sugar hahaha! Everyone loved them! My companion and I were a little confused. We were eating powdered milk! Hahaha Also, everyone told us that the sausage that we were eating was horse. I had no clue whether I should believe them or not. People eat everything here! wasn’t horse. Phew! Just messing with the gringa, LOLJ After the activity, we visited Isaac and Claudio. Both of them said that they really like it. Claudio has plans to have a FHE (family home evening/family night) with the family soon and Isaac is going to come to church..he promises, haha. I was really humbled. The lord knows my desires and he is helping not only new investigators but less active members to return to the fold. 

This week was the week of argument. Not on our part but on the part of other people. We talked with all types of people this week. Catholics, evangelicals, Jehovah’s Witness, etc…They all wanted to argue. My testimony was strengthened in every argument. Haha. I really appreciate those people that want to ask us questions because they genuinely want to know, that’s the difference between someone who is prepared and someone who needs a little more time. No matter what someone says to me or how loud there voice, I will never change where I stand. The church of Christ needs the authority/priesthood. If it doesn’t exist, we cannot perform saving ordinances. Yes I know, there isn’t a church that can "save" us. That only comes from Christ’s never ending mercy and the Holy Priesthood that allows us to perform ordinances here on earth. The Priesthood ordinances that exist here will exist in the life to come. We cannot perform Gods ordinances without His permission! No, not every church has the authority. And THAT is why it is important that people really search for the truth and pray about it. I know that our church has the Priesthood of God. I know it, and I know that it is necessary. I love to teach about the apostasy and why there are thousands of churches on Earth and invite the people to pray and ask. Our Heavenly Father wants these people to find the truth and I am so excited to teach it to them.

On another note, cajetta de leche isn’t the strangest thing I ate this week. Yesterday I had "cabesa de chancho" or pig head. Ok it was weird, I’m not going to lie, but I liked it. I just can’t imagine little Wilbur’s head on a plate :(

Also, I’m getting pretty good at identifying Latin music artists here by their voices. Ricky Martin I had down from the time I was 6 but I’m learning more. The people in Pococi like to play their music LOUD haha!

I’m grateful for this church and every single thing that the Gospel has taught me in my life. Thanks so much for all of the love and support you all send me, the cards, letters, emails, and prayers. I miss you all soooo much it hurts sometimes but I know this is where I need to be!

Love you!! Have a great week!
Hermana Zerilli

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