I had 2 different divisions this week. Tuesday Hermana Ortiz came and worked with us all day. Her companion, Hermana Moon is the specialista in our area and had to go with the Elders to San Jose for their regular monthly leadership meeting. It was really fun working with her. She's ending her mission this month and she has so much wisdom about the mission to share. I love learning from other missionaries, how they teach, how they find people to teach and their perspective of the mission in total. Also, this past Friday I was with Hermana Pena all day. My companion and her companion had to go to the office to take out their cedula?...is that English? haha ...So I got to teach her investigators and learn more about her area. Hermana Pena also has the same amount of time here in Costa Rica as Hermana Herrera and I.
That night, Friday, we wrapped up our day at the park. The park here in Guapiles is so beautiful. They have giant light set ups like the Winter Wonderland event in Cal Expo last year. I was in awe and we took some pictures.
Wednesday, my whole zone went to do service in an elderly home about 20 minutes from here. We performed the nativity story and sang songs. Then we visited with all of the people and served them lunch. It was really special. I'm not sure if any of them could understand me but those people were such kindred spirits. It makes me sad that some of them won't see their family for christmas but I'm glad that we could bring them a little bit of joy and the Spirit of Christmas.
As a ward, we had our Christmas activity this past Saturday. Ok it was more of an all day thing, hahaha! The primary had an activity in the morning. Then, we missionaries were asked to come help with the tamales because, as a ward, we were going to eat tamales from 1-4. We went at about 11:00, and oh my gosh! What a process making tamales is!!
Well, we eat a whole lot here. It was a really nice activity and safe to say I was full of love...and food.
Other than those activities, I am so happy to have seen progress in our area. We have more investigators and had really great lessons this week. I had a really cool finding experience Monday. I saw a house and I just really wanted to meet whoever lived there. Well her name is Kayleen. She's 26 and lives here by herself with her dog while she studies. Her family lives in Nicarauga. She has heard of the missionaries and has seen the movie The Other Side of Heaven. We have taught her twice now and she is so open to learning more. I'm really looking forward to teaching her in the future!
Seriously! Thank Papa & Paula, Nana and Papa, the Primaveras; and Grandma Haymore for my Christmas money! I feel awful that's too much...
Love always,
Hermana Zerilli
Below is my weekly check-in email to my Mission President and his response to me after my first week here in Guapiles...
Hermana Zerilli
Below is my weekly check-in email to my Mission President and his response to me after my first week here in Guapiles...
Zerilli, Taylor Michelle
Hola President!
Well, I'm in my new area. Its been quite the adjustment. The area, the climate, my companera, everything. Honestly, I feel a whole lot of stress here. Not to compare numbers but in my last area, we had 29 investigators with a baptismal date. I came here to 2. That was really a surprise for me and every number that followed. My companion tells me about their investigators and we really don't have anyone to teach. However, I am here for a reason. My companion and I are working together for a reason. I'm going to work so hard to find new investigators everyday and I pray that I can find those who are prepared. Hermana Perez taught me well haha. I'm just nervous because I don't know this area at all and these past few days my companion has had no clue where to go. I am incredibly motivated to fix this and get this area moving. i want to do my savior proud. I absolutely loved the Christmas devotional last night. Its so beautiful that we get to share the message of Christ during this part of the year. Yes, I miss my normal holidays with my family a whole lot but when I focus on my purpose and the purpose of Christmas in general its a little easier. I'm really looking forward to cena and I hope that I can see progress in my area! Thank you for everything you do President Hayes!
Hermana Zerilli
Well, I'm in my new area. Its been quite the adjustment. The area, the climate, my companera, everything. Honestly, I feel a whole lot of stress here. Not to compare numbers but in my last area, we had 29 investigators with a baptismal date. I came here to 2. That was really a surprise for me and every number that followed. My companion tells me about their investigators and we really don't have anyone to teach. However, I am here for a reason. My companion and I are working together for a reason. I'm going to work so hard to find new investigators everyday and I pray that I can find those who are prepared. Hermana Perez taught me well haha. I'm just nervous because I don't know this area at all and these past few days my companion has had no clue where to go. I am incredibly motivated to fix this and get this area moving. i want to do my savior proud. I absolutely loved the Christmas devotional last night. Its so beautiful that we get to share the message of Christ during this part of the year. Yes, I miss my normal holidays with my family a whole lot but when I focus on my purpose and the purpose of Christmas in general its a little easier. I'm really looking forward to cena and I hope that I can see progress in my area! Thank you for everything you do President Hayes!
Hermana Zerilli
10 Dic 2015
President Hayes
Now you know why you were sent there. Work hard as you did before and the Lord will bless you sister Zerilli. I need your leadership here among the sisters badly! Anything I can do to help... call me!
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