So it's been a week and to be honest it feels like it's been a month! I have learned so much! Every day seems to bring new challenges and new blessings. My Spanish is coming along! (I'm so sorry if my sentences come out awkward...English isn't something I use often here.) I've been working on it for a week now and I'm so proud of how much I can speak. From the minute I got here they were already speaking Spanish to us and all I could do was smile and nod, and hope Mrs. McGrath had taught me enough Junior year to get through day one.
They had us start teaching day 3 and that added a little bit of pressure considering my Spanish was nowhere close to being able to make full sentences about the gospel. My branch president came in to meet with us all on the 2nd night and told us that if we prayed and worked hard at preparing, we would know by the end of the 3rd day that the gift of tongues was real. Well he was right. I am so grateful for the Lord's hand in helping me and my district learn this language. It doesn't seem so intimidating anymore. My days usually consist of 9 hours in a classroom either studying, preparing to teach an investigator or learning Spanish from our teacher, Sister Christensen.
I love my district! We have an even amount of sisters and elders and we all get along so well. The elders have us laughing 90% of the time, which is great when it's easy to get frustrated stumbling over Spanish or stressed out over the amount of work we have to get done. I am grateful that I am here with the 5 sisters in my district. We are all going to the exact same mission which is comforting to know that we all get to experience Costa Rica together. We are all very different but the gospel brings us together. They actually crammed all 6 of us into one of the rooms here that usually fits 4. Its a little cozy but we are glad that no one had to get booted out to another room. Our Zone leaders and their district left on Monday to their various places. It was sad to see them go but I knew that they were ready. Now we only have 3 districts in our zone but today we are getting a new one!! We will be going from 8 hermanas (6 in my district and 2 in one of the others) to 10! Our relief society is starting to get a little Speaking of relief society, Sunday was incredible. It was a great break from the usual study/planning schedule and Elder Allen (the president of the missionary program) gave a devotional that really touched me.
Everyone here is so nice! I love this environment and the spirit that I feel each day. I have learned to rely on the Lord more than ever and I know that my attitude is everything. I try to embrace everyday with an optimistic attitude even when it seems hard. So far, so good. I'm so grateful for all of your prayers and I feel their impact in my life! I think of you constantly especially when I need strength.
Te amo!