Mom, I heard your package that your friends delivered to Costa Rica is here, and I'm going to get it after I send this email! hahahahah, I heard it has my picture on it hahaha!!
Oh, and tell Brother and Sister heaps that I met their nephew!! Elder Olson! He's awesome and gave me great advice:)
So, I officially have 3 months in the mission!! This past week on my 3 monthaversary (came out July 22nd), I woke up and went to my desk to find a giant poster and letters from my companion all for my 3 months. She wrote me individual notes with advice for all 13 months that she has in the mission. It was so sweet and I was so surprised. I'm grateful for such an amazing companion that teaches me everyday and has helped me incredibly with my first 8 weeks that I have been here in Costa Rica!
Also this week, I had my first baptism!!! Ahh yeah that happened! His name is Josue and he's 22 years old. I was so happy for him. In the time that we have taught him, he has obtained such an amazing testimony. He has made the atonement the center of his life and has changed so much in his life already. He is such a strong person and I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to help him join the church and make the covenant of baptism. The other Hermanas had baptisms too. The man who got married last week and his little brother in law were both baptized. Saturday was such a happy day!
With this baptism I also learned such an incredible lesson. Actually its something that I knew but I needed to be reminded of. After the baptismal service, my companion and I had an amazing conversation. Baptisms are such an amazing thing. They are the first covenant that we make with our heavenly father that allows us to return to him once this life is over. It's the key to living with your family for eternity. It's the membership into the true church of Christ. Its something that I want for everyone. However, Its something that cannot be rushed. In the mission we believe in numbers. Usually numbers signify success. Hermana Perez shared with me her feelings and told me to never let anyone make me feel like I am a bad missionary because I don't have enough baptisms. This is the work of the Lord. Everything is in his timing. I loved that so much. Its the truth. I'm here to help, serve, and teach. I want these people to see the happiness that the gospel brings me and can bring them. Baptism or not, I'm here to change lives!
Silliness...."Now you look like your Mom"
And that's my message for you this week. Haha I love this work so much. I feel myself getting more and more adjusted everyday. I'm grateful for my savior and for the opportunity that he and the atonement provide me with the better myself everyday. I love you all more than words can say. You are always in my prayers.
A special thanks to my amazing friends... Har, Brent, and Jacob who send me emails every week, and last week I got one from Nick and Josh! I even get to hear from Maddie, Spencer, and Kyle who are currently serving missions in Chile and Tonga, and Elder Hill (whom I met at the MTC). I love you all and am so thankful for your support!!
Pura Vida!
Hermana Zerilli